Assignment #3 - CNNs in PyTorch
Due Date: Thursday, 10/03 at 23:59
[ Instructions ]
Work Submission Policy:
- Work is to be submitted via Canvas.
- In exceptional cases (Canvas is down, problems with logging in to it, etc.), it can be attached to an email and sent to the instructor (late policies would still apply).
Late Policy:
- You have free 4 late days overall.
- You can use as many late days for assignments as you want. A late day extends the deadline 24 hours.
- If you are submitting your work after the deadline, send the files to the instructor in an email titled "[CS3485 - LAB#x] first_name_1 last_name_1 and first_name_2 last_name_2 - Late Day#y", where x is the current lab number and y is the late day number (out of 4) if you are using any of your late days (it may also consist multiple late days).
- Once you have used all 4 late days, the penalty is 20% for each additional late day.
- In case of medical or other personal emergencies, further extensions can be approved. Contact the instructor in that case.
- Other accommodations may be accepted, but only if communicated directly to the instructor at least 2 in advance of the deadline.